Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Using Twitter for Hotels and Travel Tips

Micro-blogging/Social Networking website Twitter and its community seem to be ubiqutuous these days.Whether its President Obama or Lance Armtrong, Twitter seems to be making the headlines every day.

For any of you out there who have not came across it so far,  Twitter is a site that allows users to provide updates on their current activities via their mobile phone or computer. They can do this by either posting links or using plain text updates, as long as its done in under 140 characters.

Users can post updates on anything they like, and what is so powerful about Twiiter is that it enables you to connect with like-minded people - when you are in the community you can choose to 'follow' and recive updates from anyone of particular interest to you.

There are almost no topics which are not covered by the Twitter community. Of course, here at Hotels in the UK, we are most interested in Hotels and Travel Twitter - and there are plenty of options to choose from.

As an example, if you travelling to London via public transport and you want the latest  information public transport , the BBC and London Travel have the latest information on their Twitter pages, UKseries offers travel news and information. You can even discover which heathrow airport hotels would suit your trip to the capitals busiest airport.

After you have signed up, the best place to start is the search page, enter your topic and start following people, and if you’ve got anything to contribute get invlolved in the community and get tweeting.

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